
By Kunphen
In August 22, 2014

Living the hectic life in the capital city of Nepal was tough not just for my body but for my mind too. The everyday hustle, college, office and improper eating habits were wearing me out and I could feel it while everyone else noticed.
Technically, I could do nothing. Several times, I was hopping from one hospital to another for checkups but there was no exact disease found that could be treated by alternative medicine. But my parents and my relatives were dedicated patrons of Kunphen Tibetan medical Center and thus, it got me exposed to the benefits of Tibetan herbal recipes.

It been a couple of years that I am following the medications from Kunphen. I consume them on a regular basis. But at the same time, I have made necessary efforts to improve my diet as well because I know no medicine works in your body if you don’t maintain the appropriate environment. My gastro-intestinal complaints are existent no more. It was a gradual process but it amazingly works. And since I have learnt that all the medicines that they distribute are 100% natural and are formulated of indigenous herbs, I would strongly suggest everyone of every age to at try the ancient old approach to heal diseases.

– Rotash, Nepal

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